Everything You Need To Know About Me.

Hi friends! So you want to get to know me, huh? Great!

Well, lets jump right into my life story. I was born in Saint Louis, MO around 20 years ago as an only child. I was born to two wonderful parents, they were never married, but they were always there for me. And to be honest I never remember them even living in the same house. I lived in Saint Louis with my mom until I was about 5, thats when we picked up and moved two states away to Colorado. I was only there for 9 months, when we picked up and moved again, this time to Kansas City. This is where I spent most of my childhood. Made friends, and lost friends, went through a lot of the preteen dramas of middle school. I was homeschooled through all of my high school career. I hated it up there, I always felt alone. And every other weekend we were driving up and down highway 70 to Saint Louis because that was where my dad was.  

The only place I ever felt like I belonged in Kansas City was the church camp I went to every summer! I felt like it was the best place on earth, Still do! Every time I went I felt the weight of the world slip right off my shoulders. And I am still in contact with a lot of my friends from there. We all called it our home away from home. And as we got older it became just that for a lot of us. 

When I turned 16 my family and I decided to move back to Saint Louis. It was a hard transition, even though we knew the area very well and had friends and family here. It was hard because, I was homeschooled I didn't know any one my own age anywhere around me. 
Are you still with me? Because we are getting to the good part!
One fine day in June 2013, I went to my god brothers graduation party. 
I know, I know "what does this have to do with anything?" Right? Well, Trust me, I have a point. Just stick with me. 

I met the most amazing guy I could ever imagine. Say it with me "HE WAS C-UTE!" His name was Gage. At first we were just friends, but about 4 months after we met we went on our first date. And as weird as this is to say, I knew that night that he was my soul mate. I knew I loved him and that I was supposed to be with him. 

About a year after we met, I got pregnant! Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended with a miscarriage. After my miscarriage I went through a very dark place. I even tried to kill myself. I felt empty, I had no reason to live. I was literally grieving a baby I never got to meet. 

It was very difficult. But right when it was the worst, I found out I was pregnant again! I was pregnant with Landon! Born on May 13, 2015. Now nothing or no one could ever take the place of my angle baby. But it somehow made me feel a little better. When Landon was 6 months old, I once again found out I was pregnant with my little Avery! Born on July 17, 2016

I am now planning my wedding to my soul mate Gage. We are getting married on November 5, 2017. So stay tuned for more updates on my so called life!

Leave a comment down below if you want to know my birth experience with Avery.

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