My Birth Story! Baby #1

Just found out your expecting a little bundle of joy in your life soon? Congratulations! Or if your just here for a little knowledge, Welcome!

First, A little background information. When I had my first child I had to be induced with Pitocin at 37+6. I had pretty bad preeclampsia. Which if you don't know what that means it's basically where your blood pressure sky rockets! And you swell up like a balloon. Now some swelling during pregnancy is normal, however this kind of swelling is not normal. And can actually be very dangerous for both momma and baby, because the placenta is rotting inside the womb.

When I was induced I obviously wanted to have a vaginal birth. I had made it all the way to 8 cm dilated. Which is only 2 cm away from push time! And at that point I stopped dilating, I was at 8 cm for what seemed like forever, but it was really only like 4 hours. BUT that was still long enough for the doctors and nurses to make the call that I was no longer progressing and that they need to get my precious little man out of there as soon possible. That's when they wheeled my hospital bed into the OR.

WARNING: Read at your own risk. Its going to get graphic.

Once I was in the operating room a bunch of nurses and doctors lifted me off of my hospital bed and laid me on the operating table. They had to do that because I could not feel my legs, I had already had the epidural! Thank goodness for pain medication! I would not want to go through a C-Section with out it!

Once I was on the operating table I began to shake uncontrollably. Their was a nurse who came up to the curtain that they put up in front of your face, and told my not to try to fight the shacking. Which was WAY easier said then done. And I can remember just trying to stay focused on my wonderful husband, instead of the sound of the doctor cutting me open.

Then, there was A LOT of pressure on my ribs, it felt like they were being ripped out of me one by one. Completely made me sick to my stomach.

I kept thinking "it should almost be over, it should almost be over!" over and over again. Now looking back I don't think it took to long (only 45 minutes or so) but in the moment it felt like 24 hours.

Next thing I know I hear my wonderful sons beautiful sound of his sweet, sweet cry. And in about two seconds he was right next to me and I was looking at his beautiful face. It was the best experience of my life, even though I went through so much pain. My son is wonderful, and I would never take him back for the world!

Tell me about your birth experience in the comments below! 


  1. Your experience is alot like mine...unplanned C-section after laboring and stalling. What an amazing experience to hear that sweet little cry though!

    1. Thanks for the support! It was the most amazing sound I had ever heard!

  2. Thank goodness for doctors who know what they are doing, right?! Seeing our babies at the end of labor is seriously the best thing ever!

    1. It's indescribable how I felt when I laid eyes on his beautiful little gooey purple face for the first time! Thankfully they only stay gooey and purple for a minute!

  3. There's nothing more beautiful than seeing your precious one after such a stressful time!

    1. It's very true! The amount of love that came over me while I was looking at his face and hearing his cry, I can't describe it!

  4. Child birth is no joke! haha it's pretty crazy though how quickly we forget the insane amount of pain we go through to bring our babies into this world! loved reading this

    1. Thanks for your support! Be sure to keep coming back!

  5. Child birth is crazy...never goes as planned!

    1. It's so true! Stay tuned for my birth story with baby #2❤️
